Recovery Blog

Do You Need Rehab for Marijuana?

Written by Samantha Cooper | May 22, 2022 5:28:00 PM

If you or a loved one has a problem with marijuana consumption, you might be asking yourself: Do you really need rehab for marijuana? And what happens in rehab? Although the drug has a reputation for being one of the “softer” drugs in comparison to substances like heroin or other opiates, the reality is that people suffering from marijuana addiction can benefit from residential addiction treatment too. 

What is Addiction? 

Addiction is a brain disease that causes you to keep using a substance even when it is having negative effects on your life — and yes, it is possible to become addicted to marijuana. According to the CDC, 30% of people who use marijuana have marijuana use disorder, and that number is higher if you’ve been smoking since childhood or young adulthood. 

Signs of Marijuana Addiction 

The signs of marijuana addiction are similar to the signs of addiction in other drugs. Are you smoking more pot to get the same high? Have you tried and failed to quit or cut back? Are you using marijuana in situations that could get you in trouble, like driving or at work? Are you experiencing negative consequences in your life because of your pot use? 

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you may be addicted to marijuana.

Is Marijuana Dangerous?

The problem with marijuana addiction is not just that it can cause negative effects in your career, relationships, and bank account. Marijuana is actually more dangerous than many people realize.

Weed may seem safe because it is a medical therapeutic that is legal in some states; but remember that the same can be said for alcohol — one of the most dangerous drugs that there is. Today, weed is actually more dangerous than ever. According to the CDC, the average concentration of THC (the active ingredient) in marijuana nearly doubled between 2008 and 2017. One study found that the concentration may be as high as 45% in some cases.

Scientists do not yet have long-term data on how these concentrations can affect the brain and body, but early signs are not good. Government officials recently announced that high levels of THC have been linked to psychosis and schizophrenia. In fact, one British medical journal recently found that pot smokers are two to five times more likely to develop psychosis. 

What Happens in Rehab for Marijuana 

If it’s time for you to explore treatment for marijuana addiction, you might be wondering what happens in rehab. The answer is different for everyone. In residential addiction treatment, you will receive a customized treatment plan meant to address your own personal situation, needs, and goals. You will learn strategies for staying clean and sober on the outside; but more importantly, you will work to heal the issues that have caused you to abuse marijuana in the first place. That means one-on-one counseling, group therapy with people going through the same thing as you, and a variety of addiction treatment therapies to help you heal from the inside out. Meanwhile, you’ll get three meals a day and 24/7 support from caring professionals who’ve helped hundreds of people get clean and sober — and stay that way.

Starting Rehab for Marijuana

If you have more questions or are ready to start, contact our admissions team today or send us a chat. We can answer your questions and walk you through what treatment could look like for you. There’s a lot to look forward to in recovery from marijuana addiction. Even if you don’t see it today, treatment is the place where you’ll watch new hope bloom. Let us help you start.