Try These 5 Activities Instead Of Drinking Around The Holidays

The holidays can be a tricky time for anyone trying to stay sober. There are numerous parties, events and activities and many seem to include alcohol. For someone with an alcohol use disorder, it can be hard not to have a drink! But don’t worry, you are not alone and many people are in the same boat. You do not have to fall victim to your disease!

Here are five activities to undertake instead of drinking this holiday season.

Decorate your house

What better way to get in the holiday spirit than making sure your home is fully decorated for the holidays? Hang a wreath, put up a Christmas tree, put up red bows or whatever your family chooses to do for the holidays. Some of these tasks only take a minute, but others can take an hour a more. Enjoy the time with your family and take your mind away from drinking. You can even make it a game for your family and see who can safely put up the most decorations. Have a laugh and avoid your addiction at the same time!

Get Baking

Maybe its sugar cookies, maybe its latkes, whatever your family celebrates, take time to bake a treat instead of drinking. Some people in recovery find cooking and baking therapeutic as it can take their mind away from alcohol – while getting something tasty at the end. Don’t worry if you are not a pro, there are plenty of easy recipes out there for first-time baking. Enjoy your time in the kitchen, and remember it is not always about how it looks but how it tastes!

Go Caroling

Grab some loved ones or join a local group and head out caroling. It can be a fun way to show off your singing or softly hum in the background for the less musically inclined. The people around can support you in your recovery efforts and it is a chance to meet your neighbors without needing a drink in hand.

Take up a new hobby

For many, the holidays lead to a slow down at work or with outside activities. Maybe it is time to take up a new hobby! You’ve always wanted time to learn a new skill, so why not now? Spend time with your kids making social media videos, read a book or learn how to knit. The possibilities are endless and it can become a life-long love.

Be A Designed driver

The holidays can be a time for work or family gatherings. For many recovering from drug and alcohol abuse, those settings might not be the best. So why not volunteer to be the designated driver instead? Avoid standing in a room surrounded by people who drink by acting as a shuttle driver taking people to and from their homes. It can be a chance to spread goodwill among others and provide an activity instead of just talking and drinking.

Try These 5 Activities Instead Of Drinking Around The Holidays